Kegels Exercises And Ejaculation Control

How can Kegels exercises help you to control your ejaculations ?

The Taoist movement in China a long time ago developed a range of exercises destined to improve your overall health, longevity and sexual condition. To improve the sexual health, certain exercises aim at the development of the pc or pubococcygeus muscle. These exercises have been made popular by the famous doctor Kegel who brought them to the attention of more people than ever.

A kegel is an exercise aiming to increase the tone of the pubococcygeus muscle by clenching and unclenching this muscle at a regular pace. With a strong pubococcygeus muscle, men can control their erections and ejaculations, but also drive more blood into the penile area to gain better erections. For older men, a pc muscle in good shape helps to keep a healthy prostate and prevents incontinence.

The role of this muscle is well known and has been thoroughly documented during the last years. To make it short, it has been proven that a well toned pc muscle can improve your sexuality and help you control ejaculations, erections and orgasms. For more information, see the studies published by Jack Morin about anal pleasure and studies coming from the San Francisco Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality.

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It is easy to discover this famous pubococcygeus muscle : it is identified by stopping urination mid-flow. We are pretty sure you see what is this muscle. This is the muscle you use to close urethra and prevent emptying of your bladder. You can find this muscle somewhere between the anus and the scrotum.

Another great benefit of a well toned pc muscle is the increase in the quality of your erections. Flexes you make with this muscle draw a larger amount of blood in the penile area simply because as every muscle, the pc muscle needs oxygen to develop cells after the exercises. With a larger flow of blood in this area, men can gain and keep better erections faster, and also stop the flow of semen if they want to. This is why that kind of exercises aiming the pc muscle are recommended by specialists in order to cure or control premature ejaculation.

Special exercises about the pc muscle can be found in the PenisHealth program. Thanks to this program, thousands of men already have enlarged their penis when erect and gained control over their sexuality by achieving larger penises and orgasms on demand.

PenisHealth program contains all the Kegels exercises that will help you control your ejaculations. Read our complete product report.